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Join our student community

We are looking forward to receive your application to join our community 😎
To make sure that our community is full of members which share a passion for entrepreneurship while having unique perspectives and skills we ask everyone to tell us a bit about themselves. We want a diverse mix of passionate students from different fields of studies to complement each other and combine their strength to build something exciting!
But don't worry, this is just so we can get to know you 😊🚀
You can read more about the values and personalities we are hoping for here. As soon as we have reviewed and accepted your application we will meet you for a nice coffee to chat a bit.
Let's build!

Let's start with the basics.

What is your name?

What is your email address?

What is your WhatsApp phone number ?

Where are you studying?

Which degree are you currently undertaking?

What is your study field?

You and the community.

In this section, we would like to discover your motivation for getting in the community: what you can bring and what you expect from it.

What are you hoping to get out of the community?

What are you hoping to give to the community?

Are you working on your own project?

How did you hear about the club?